Tuesday, March 25, 2014


The "scientist" from The Mind Museum gave us a visit last February. They introduced to us what does the The Mind Museum offers the general public. They told us the features of the museum, why it was built, how it was built, and all other important details to know about the museum. It is interesting to note that The Mind Museum is the first of its kind here in the Philippines. I thought that there were other museums that offers the same features but it turned out that they are the only active one now. They showed the whole class some tricks that they do whenever they are visited by kids. I thought I was a kid when they were doing it. Nevertheless, I gained some new information about science in general. I never thought at this age, I would still be fascinated by those tricks.

Science is everywhere. It was very enticing to buy that ticket to their museum but unfortunately I don't have enough money. Someday I will go there and maybe enjoy the place like I am still in my grade school days.

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