Wednesday, January 15, 2014

All the time

I would like to start my reaction with a brief summary. The episode was about a man who is fond of reading. He was hindered by his wife and his boss. One time he sneaked down the vault of the bank, there was an apparent nuclear war that took place leaving him alone in the world. At first he was upset and lonely but realizing that he has all the time in the world he turned his direction back into reading books. Unfortunately during one event he dropped his glasses and broke the lenses. The story has moral points. Although I want to stress out that the plot was quite impossible. Yes nuclear war may be possible but has really slim chances and to survive one has even lower. Another thing is that he is the only one survived the nuclear war quite impossible indeed. Another is that all the books weren't burnt and even the canned goods are still in tact.

If i were to write an update or continuation, it will go like this. Days after he apparently lost his glasses a band of surviving children came to his aide. Two of them were very young and haven’t received education, the eldest finished elementary. They came rushing to the man but they were very silent as to they are not into speaking. As the man asked who were there helping him, he can only distinguish two voices, from the two children. As the story progresses it is revealed that the educated one can’t speak. They will work their way out and eventually finding a way to get the man his new pair of glasses. And he will educate the three with lessons that he has learned in reading.

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