Friday, January 10, 2014

Thumbs UP!

             "Is this sorcery? How could this even be possible! I am in awe! Jaw dropping innovation my friends!" This would probably be my reaction to the movie "Trip to the Moon". I would be probably be outside telling other people to watch and experience this weird but amazing creation! i would be spreading the news all over town and would encourage them to not miss this first ever movie! Plus, pictures were finally moving on screen! Not only that, there were colors too! And did i mention how hilarious the movie was? They even went to the moon and encountered some strange creatures! How cool is that? I just cant wait to tell everyone about this wonderful thing that I've just seen! It's just amazing!
              As you can see, my reaction to the movie,if ever i lived during that time, would be like the one I've written on the paragraph above. Over acting isn't it? But, who could ever blame me for such ignorance? I mean, something new would definitely excite a person. Something like moving pictures on the big screen, which was still unusual during that time, would definitely bring curiosity to the people.
              Everyday, people are trying to look for ways to create something new, something innovative, something fresh. And every single day, something new just comes out of the blue and people would put their eyes to it. This of course applies to movies. Imagine how things changed? From that simple movie, we already have 3d movies with special effects and different color schemes! Everything has improved. And I am truly glad that a person had that wonderful idea to create a movie called "Trip to the Moon". Kudos to you Georges Méliès! I give you my two thumbs up!

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