Sunday, January 12, 2014

Life is Unfair for it is Just


The film was heartbreaking for me. The main character has a simple vice, it does not hurt anyone nor take money from anyone. It does take time, time that his wife and boss wants for themselves. He does not fight them head on but finds a way to be fulfilled with reading. He is simple that the existence of books to read makes it okay again for him to live. He already lost everything but found the library which s filled with his desires, then he isn't equipped to read anymore. Suddenly his whole world collapses, as if he was punished by the gods. Like Tantalus who is forever to watch the fruits and the water but will never be able to satiate his hunger, the main character has the all the books he wants but would never be able to read.

The idea of not being allowed to read is a nightmare for me. I guess at that time reading is unproductive for them. If I cannot read books anymore and audio books are also not possible I would really rather die. Morbid I know but books, stories or any reading materials has always been an aching need for me. I guess the film can be paralleled with the fact that there was a time that education is limited to few rich people, those that can afford the time to think. The workers in the film are probably expected to simply work without question and thought.

The film in that kind of social and political environment would be possible, he would be cut off from the world. But if it had happen now, I don't think reading would be restricted or if his reading is restricted their are probably a lot of lawyers who can argue his case and demand compensation. If he did solely survived a Hydrogen Bombing site help would probably arrive faster now. The film is short but it really captures your attention. I believed that there is no need to change and adapt the film to this day because it would be a good reminder not to take for granted the things we have today, the freedom we have to look for information and absorbed them.

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